Monday, December 7, 2009

Unite? Easier Said Than Done

Look… The fact is, Unity is really the single most important ingredient to forging solutions this country needs to be restored back to a thriving prosperous Republic. Think about for a second… everyone says we need to join forces and unite unite unite… but no one does. Why? Why is it, that these thousands of activist groups both 912'ers and Tea Party can't or won't step onto common ground with any of the others. We tout our patriotism and wave our flags; we meet at rallies, town halls and protests. We will share a megaphone or microphone but we won't unite. We insist on the safety of our small group because there is control, there is familiarity. And dare I say egos and agenda and politics and in-fighting and any number of things that will not allow unity to grow. Basically the same junk that we are all are fighting against! Now here is the truth and a personal experience to give you a real example of what I mean. Those who know me know that Glenn Beck inspired me to take some action, so I founded the National 912 Project out of respect for Glenn and to take his vision and move forward. Now back to the story. When we set up our social network site we began to build strategies, education, unity and election, and in unity outreached to other forming groups. And yes I'm going to name names here, the leaders of the National 912project all have email address using The National 912 Project domain and we used those email address when we would join other groups. The we surround them web site no matter how we approached them would not embrace the idea of unity. In fact all of the leaders from the National 912 Project were denied membership! The only way to join was to use an alias email address. Is that who we are? Is that the kind of patriotic leadership we need? And why would register the org and net domains and redirect them to the web site knowing full well it was deceptive and underhanded? I mean think about it, why would they register those domain names? Look, this is not a whining session. I am pointing out that if we as those patriotic Americans we claim to be, treat each other like this how can we possibly restore our country? If the same kind of politics are being used in many of these activist groups what do think will happen? We will destroy each other for the sake of losing the grip of power and control over the groups that we worked so hard to build. You know I speak the truth! As ugly as it is, it makes us no better than the corruption in our representatives. If you're not a leader in any group or organization this may sound preposterous, but I assure you the leaders of these groups reading this KNOW exactly what I'm talking about. So stop the crap! Embrace each other, communicate share knowledge, share ideas share resources. Be the kind of Americans we need to be!

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